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Safe Sleep + SIDS Prevention Free Webinar

As a new mom my biggest fears quickly changed from spiders and roller coasters to the death of my baby. The SIDS I had learned about in nursing school and as a nurse quickly became not just something I taught, but my BIGGEST anxiety. With my second baby, that worry still haunted me and if my baby slept longer than a couple hours at a time I would wake up in a complete panic and rush over to the bassinet just to make sure they were still breathing. After talking to many moms, I can certainly say, I am not alone.

We live in a time where evidence is at our fingertips, technology is ever evolving, and there are literally thousands of products on the market advertised to decrease the risk of SIDS. Yet SOMEHOW, Sudden Unexpected Infant Death is STILL the leading cause of death for babies younger than 1 year of age. How can this be? What can we do as parents to decrease the risk for our own babies?

Join me and my husband, Board Certified Pediatrician (now Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellow) Michael Hazboun, MD for this FREE webinar. The Safe Sleep + SIDS Prevention webinar will work to demystify SIDS, break down all the recommended safe sleep practices so they make sense, and answering any of your related questions.

Learning Objectives for the Safe Sleep + SIDS Prevention Webinar include:

  1. Discuss the evidence on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

  2. Discuss the difference between SIDS and Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths

  3. Discuss ways YOU can decrease the risk for SIDS and other sleep related causes of infant death for your baby.

Ticket options:

As an apology for having to last minute reschedule, all tickets will be upgraded to VIP Ticket at no cost!

  • VIP Ticket ($0): This ticket allows for participation in the webinar + access to PDF handouts and webinar notes + access to webinar recording + handout of our recommended safe sleep products 

** This webinar will be recorded and downloaded to our website and Youtube channel during October in honor of National SIDS Awareness Month.**

Tickets are non-refundable but can be transferred to other Nearly Nested classes or services.