Survival Tips for Cold/Flu Season While Pregnant

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Cold and flu season is HERE, and while catching a cold or the flu is brutal, catching a cold or the flu while you’re pregnant is SOOOO much worse. It may seem like you are out of options since taking things like Theraflu, Afrin, DayQuil, NyQuil, or even Motrin are a big NO, but here are some SAFE and effective ways to beat that nasty virus to the curb!

  1. Get a flu shot. Getting a flu shot during pregnancy not only protects you but also passes that immunity to your baby. Even if you do contract the flu after receiving the vaccine, it can decrease the duration and severity of symptoms for you and prevent serious pregnancy complications.

  2. Wash your hands. Prevention is key. We don’t realize how many things we touch with each passing minute- the door handle, a rail, shopping carts, a countertop, a chair... all things that other people touch as well, even other people who are sick with those gnarly germs. The best way to not get sick? Wash your hands frequently, especially before meals and before touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. 

  3. Sore Throat + cough? OHHHH HONEY : never underestimate the power of honey.  It has been used since ancient times not only for taste, but also as medicine. In fact, “Studies revealed that the medicinal effect of honey may be due to of its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, apoptotic, and antioxidant properties.“ Some research even suggests it is more effective than your otc cough suppressant .

  4. Vitamin C is thought to help with healing and regeneration of antioxidants in your body and plays an important role in your immunity. There really isn’t much information about the safety of otc vitamin packs (like Airborne or Emergen-C) while pregnant because they contain other things, but taking an extra vitamin c along with your prenatal is completely safe and recommended.

  5. Drink plenty of fluids. Hydration is key while pregnant, but especially when you’re sick and mucous-y. Water will help to loosen the viscosity of the mucous and help you to expel it easier + help your body fight and heal. My favorite thing to do is to make a HUGE cup of tea with orange, lemon, and honey (recipe below) to help hydrate, give some extra vitamin C and soothe sore throats/suppress the annoying, headache inducing cough!

  6. Nasal saline- yes, that’s right, just your simple nasal saline you can find at your local target, drugstore, amazon, or grocery store. It can help with loosening mucous and nasal congestion 

  7. Runny Nose? Ditch the dry tissue, God knows your nose is already super chapped from wiping it so dang much. My favorite things to use on myself and my entire family are saline wipes. They are soft, gentle, and prevent a chapped nose!

  8. Tylenol if needed: the one medication that is safe during pregnancy is Tylenol up to 1 gram every 4-6 hours. And no more than 3 gms in 24 hours. Take a dose for body aches, headaches, sore throat, or fever.

  9. Take a nice long shower/bath. There truly is power in hydrotherapy for relaxation, especially when combined with essential oils like lavender and peppermint. The steam will also help with any congestion and cough. So take a nice long shower or bath with some epson salts and oils and do some deep breathing and relaxation! Yes, this is a nurses order!

  10. Rest. Honestly, your body is working hard to grow another human and still provide enough calories for yourself. If you feel sick, be kind to your body and rest.

*disclaimer: if you have a fever and flu-like symptoms, call your provider right away. Treatment can help prevent serious complications during pregnancy.

Last BUT certainly not least here is a recipe of my go-to tea when anyone in my house is under the weather: 

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You’ve got this!!

Big hugs and belly rubs from this mama to you.